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Mount Everest isn't the tallest mountain on Earth, IF you measure from the Earth's core. Chimborazo in South America is about 2000 meters taller.

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The humming scene in Wolf of Wall street was added because Leonardo DiCaprio saw Matthew Mcanauauahgha's voice warmup routine, and found it so strange that he wanted to add it in

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Charles Darwin's pet tortoise 'Harriet' which he brought with him from Galápagos Islands died in 2006 at an estimated age of 175 years.

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Two country flags feature a dragon: Bhutan's and Wales'. Well actually, Malta's flag also feature a dragon, but it's really small and located inside the cross at the top left corner of the flag.

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The 'Nocebo effect' is the opposite of the more famous 'Placebo effect'. It occurs when you get a negative reaction to a something that's supposed to help you, like when a person's negative expectations of treatment lead to negative side effects

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Etymology is the study of a word's origin and developement throughout history. The word 'etymology' itself derives from Greek and is a combination of 'étumon', meaning 'true sense' and 'logía', meaning 'the study of'.

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In the history of Earth there has existed approximately 100 billion human beings in total, whereas 7-8 billion of them are alive today. This gives Earth a 93% mortality rate.

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The upper most vertebra in our necks, the one that holds your head up, is called 'Atlas', named after the Greek titan Atlas who supposedly held the world up on his shoulders.

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When the dinosaurs were alive, there were 370 days in a year. The Earth's spin is getting slower because the moon's gravity is acting as a drag, so days are getting longer, by about 1.7 milliseconds per century.

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The second highest mountain in the world, K2, is so dangerous to climb that approximately one person dies on the mountain for every four who reach the summit.

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The first ever Youtube video was a short clip of co-founder Jawed Karim called "Me at the zoo". The clip features Jawed talking to the camera at San Diego Zoo.

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In the famous 'skull scene' from Django Unchained actor Leonardo DiCaprio cut his hand, but remained in character. The blood you see in the scene is his own.

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The most remote island in the world is called 'Bouvet' and is situated more than 1,700 kilometers from the nearest islands or mainland, the closest being Queen Maud Land, Antarctica.

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Ganyemede is Jupiter's largest moon and the largest in the solar system. It's actually 26% larger than the planet Mercury.

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You can buy Coca Cola in every country in the world except North Korea and Cuba. You might be able to buy it here and there, but in general they both have a longlasting trade embargo with the U.S.

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Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.

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Only three films have won the 'Big Five': Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Film. These are 'It Happened One Night', 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest' and 'The Silence of the Lambs'.

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Latin is considered as a dead language which means that it cannot be altered and new words cannot be added to the Latin vocabulary.

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People wrote so fast with alphabetical typewriter layouts that the hammers on the typewriter would jam. The layout of the QWERTY keyboard was designed to slow people down so that wouldn't happen

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In 1902 there was an attempt to implement a 13-month calendar, with each month having 28 days, plus a month called 'Sol' between June and July. This adds to 364 days plus 1 extra day: New Year Day. Each month would start on a sunday.

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The Moon has earthquakes, but for obvious reasons they're called 'moonquakes'.

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Tom Cruise divorced all three of his ex-wives when they turned 33 (Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman, Katie Holmes) and each is 11 years younger than the last.

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The Futurama character Professor Farnsworth is named after Philo Farnsworth, the man who invented the all-electronic television.

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When Forrest Gump speaks at the rally he's saying: 'Sometimes when people go to Vietnam, they go home to their mommas without any legs. Sometimes they don’t go home at all. That’s a bad thing. That’s all I have to say about that.'

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The tiny pocket inside one of your jean pockets (you know, the one you never use) was originally designed to store your pocket watch.

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The Canary Islands are named after dogs. In Spanish, the name is 'Islas Canarias', which comes from the latin phrase 'Canariae Insulae' meaning 'Island of dogs'. The canary bird has nothing to do with it!

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Daniel Radcliffe once wore the same outfit every day for 6 months when leaving the theater after a performance so that photos the paparazzi took would be worthless, given it looked like the same day in all of them.

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The car model Honda Jazz was actually supposed to be called 'Honda Fitta', but because 'Fitta' in Scandinavian languages is slang for vagina, they ended up using 'Jazz' in most markets, and 'Fit' in the Americas.

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Recursive acronyms is an acronym that refers to itself, meaning that the acronym is represented in one of the letters. Like VISA (Visa International Service Association) or the programming language PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor).

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The country Montenegro means 'Black Mountain' (Mont = Mountain, Negro = Black).

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Everybody talks about the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis), but the same phenomenon exists in the Southern Hemisphere, called 'Southern Lights' (Aurora Australis). It's visible in New Zealand, Australia and Antarctica.

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Since there's no air in space sound won't travel, meaning you won't hear anything, giving the phrase 'In space no one can hear you scream' an even more eerie vibe. Also, it makes space explosions in movies total bogus.

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'Orangutan' literally translates to 'forest man'. The word is a combination of the Malay words 'Orang' ('person', 'man') and 'hutan' ('forest').

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The Winter Olympics used to take place the same year as the Summer Olympics until the 1994 games in Lillehammer (Norway) changed the cycle.

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The word 'laser' is actually an acronym for 'Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation'. 'Radar' is also an acronym, meaning 'RAdio Detection And Ranging'.

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Sometimes, if you've played a video game with repeating patterns for a long time you'll see moving images of that video game when you close your eyes. This is called the 'Tetris effect', named after the famous video game.

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Ever driven a car great distances, responding to external events in the expected, safe, and correct manner with no recollection of having consciously done so? It's a mental state called 'highway hypnosis', but it's not dangerous.

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Greenland is huge! It spans so far from north to south, and from east to west that it's actually farther east, west , north, and south than Iceland.

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There's a Starbucks coffee in nearly every scene of the movie 'Fight Club'.

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8 out of the 9 actors who played members of 'The Fellowship' in 'Lord of the Rings' got a tattoo of the word 'nine' in Elvish after the film's shooting was done. Only John Rhys Davies (Gimli) didn't get one.

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Before the release of the movie 'Se7en' Kevin Spacey's name had not been featured in any marketing material (posters, trailers or billing). This was done so that the audience would be even more suprised when the killer was revealed.

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In the famous 'box scene' from the film 'Se7en' Tracy's (Gwyneth Paltrow) face is shown for a split second right before Detective Mills (Brad Pitt) shoots John Doe (Kevin Spacey), but you'll have to slow it way down to see it.

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The opposite of claustrophobia is 'agoraphobia' - the fear of open spaces. 'Agora' is a Greek word for open spaces where citizens in Ancient Greece used to gather, such as a marketplace.

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Fotball club Juventus' kit was originally pink, but it faded easily after continuous washing. In 1903 an English player on their team got hold of some black and white kits from Notts County. They've worn these colors ever since.

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There are so many trees inside London's borders that it by definition makes the city a forest.

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Contrary to popular belief no real astronaut ever uttered 'Houston, we have a problem' — Tom Hanks only said that in the movie 'Apollo 13'.

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If you view this website on a wide screen it's divided into a grid of 3 columns. You'll notice some grey 'ghost-like' blobs in each corner. This is an illusion called the 'Hermann grid illusion'. I hope it doesn't bother you!

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The 'Baader-Meinhof phenomenon' occurs when you learn something new and suddenly notice it 'everywhere', e.g. hearing a song for the first time and afterwards feel like it's always on the radio.

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Vikings didn't have horns on their helmets. Well they did, but only for decorative purposes, not used in wars and battles.

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The only planet that rotates on its side like a barrel is Uranus. The only planet that spins backwards relative to the others is Venus.

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Seth MacFarlane (creator of 'Family Guy') were supposed to be on the plane that hit the North Tower on 9/11, but he missed the flight due to the fact that he'd been out the night before and overslept.

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In every episode of the TV Show 'Family Guy' someone says some version of 'What the hell?'.

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Ewan McGregor (famous for playing Obi-Wan in Star Wars) has a brother named Colin McGregor who is a pilot in the Royal Air Force. His aviator nickname is Obi-Two.

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Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin were all nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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There are four countries in the world with national anthems that have no official lyrics: Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and San Marino.

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Honey is the only food that doesn't go bad. It does crystalize, but you could just warm it over low heat and it will return to its original consistency. You could eat a 1000 year old jar of honey without any issues.

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Cleopatra lived closer in time to the Moon landing than to the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. She was born 2000 years before the Moon landing (69 BC), but 2491 years after the pyramid's construction ended (2560 BC).

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There's enough empty houses in China that everybody in Britain could get one each.

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In 2000 Google added their image search due to the fact that a lot of people used the search engine looking for a picture of Jennifer Lopez in a rather revealing dress she wore to the Grammys that year.

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The name 'Noel' means 'Christmas'. It derives from the old French 'Noël' (Christmas), which itself derives from the Latin word 'natalis' (birth). Churches used 'natalis dies' (birth day) when they talked about the birth of Christ.

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Even though it's a common name today, 'Wendy' as a girl name is actually made up by Peter Pan author J.M. Barrie.

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A bald headed eagle isn't actually bald. The name derives from an older interpretation of the word 'bald', meaning 'white headed'.

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Scotland's national animal is a unicorn.

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Nepal is the only country who's flag isn't a rectangular shape. It's in the shape of two triangles on top of each other.

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The actor Sean Bean, notoriously famous for playing characters that die, has died in over 25 films and TV shows.

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The original name of the computer operating system we now know as 'Windows' was 'Interface Manager'.

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The first man to fly an airplane and the first man on the moon were at some point in history alive at the same time. Orville Wright (airplane) died in 1948, while Neil Armstrong (moon landing) was born in 1930.

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'Hippopotomonstroses-quippedaliophobia' is, ironically, the name for a fear of long words.

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The TV show 'Friends' were originally called 'Insomnia Café', 'Across the hall' 'Friends Like Us' and 'Six of One' before they landed on the now well known name.

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Google is named after a number called 'Googol', which is 1 followed by 100 zeros.

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If you were to fold a paper 42 times it's height would make it reach to the moon. This is purely mathematical as you won't be able to fold it more than eight times, no matter how strong you think you are.

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'The Jungle Book' takes place in India. Disney's film adaptation features an orangutan named King Louie even though orangutans only exists in Malaysia and Indonesia.

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Australia is wider than the moon. Australia is almost 4000 kilometers from west to east while the moon is only 3474 kilometers wide.

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Venus takes approx. 243 Earth days to complete its own rotation (day). For Venus to orbit around the sun (year) it takes 225 Earth days, meaning a year on Venus is less than a day on Venus.

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The word 'soccer' stems from 'Association football'. It got it's shortened name in the 19th century due to a fad at Oxford and Cambridge where students added 'er' at the end of many words.

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If a grizzly bear and a polar bear breeds their offspring is called a 'pizzly bear'. It's also named 'grolar bear', 'polar grizz', 'polizzle' and 'grizzlar'.

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The Jamaican flag is the only national flag in the world not to contain the colors red, white or blue.

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Milano is the only city (as of June 2020) with two Champions League winning teams: AC Milan and Internazionale FC.

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1961 is the last year we've had that you could read upside down. The next one is 6009.

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A ball of glass will bounce higher than a ball of rubber

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A wombat's poo is cubic shaped (this is probably the closest thing you'll get to 'shitting bricks').

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The director of the film 'The Amazing Spider-Man' is named Mark WEBB

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A 'beefalo' is an animal that's part bison, part cow.

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Michael Keaton's real name is 'Michael Douglas', but he was encouraged to use a different stage name due to the fact that there already were people by that name in the business — famous actor Michael Douglas and TV host Mike Douglas.

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15 people have won what's called an 'EGOT', meaning they've recieved an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar and a Tony award. This includes names like Audrey Hepburn, John Legend and Whoopi Goldberg.

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The adjective 'manual' comes from latin root words meaning 'of the hand'.

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When Pixar made 'Toy Story 2' they accidentally deleted 90 percent of the work they had done. They had a backup system, but this had failed. Luckily an employee had a backup at her house and they managed to restore it.

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The phrase 'It's on like Donkey Kong' is actually trademarked by Nintendo.

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From the time of Pluto's discovery in 1930 and until it was declassified as a planet in 2006 it failed to orbit the sun once. It takes Pluto roughly 248 years to make a full orbit.

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Ronald McDonald is 'Donald McDonald' in Japan because it makes pronunciation easier for the Japanese.

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The band ZZ Top is a trio famous for their looks. Two of the band members have long beards, but the third one don't. His name is ironically Frank Beard.

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In the TV show 'Friends' the character Joey is the only one to kiss each of the other five main characters at some point during the ten seasons.

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Many thinks that 'mammals' defines animals who give birth to live babies, but 'mammal' derives from the latin word 'mammalis' which means 'of the breast'. The platypus for instance lay eggs, but is still a mammal.

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The difference between an ape and a monkey is that a monkey has a tail.

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When you use more words than necessary to express an idea it's called 'pleonasm' — like 'free gift'. A gift is already free!

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Today we extend our hand when greeting a stranger. This custom originates from Ancient Rome as it was a way to show that you didn't have a dagger up your sleeve.

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A flock of crows is known as a 'murder'.

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Sean Connery was offered to play the role of Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings and a 15 percent stake in the trilogy's earnings. That would accumulate to about 450 million dollars today.

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Actress Rashida Jones (Parks and Recreation, The Office) is the daughter of the famous music producer Quincy Jones, known for producing Michael Jackson 'Thriller' album.

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'Vulpix' is the name of a fox-like Pokemon. The name derives from latin where a fox is called 'Vulpes vulpes'.

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In Prison Break's 13th episode they were supposed to escape the prison, but the show was so popular they got picked up to do more episodes. In this episode they try to escape, but their plan fail at the last minute.

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Birds don't urinate.

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Ben Affleck (Daredevil, Batman), Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool, Green Lantern) and Halle Berry (Storm, Catwoman) are the only ones who have played superheroes from both the Marvel and the DC universe.

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Queen Elizabeth can’t sit on the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones because she's not allowed to sit on other thrones than the British Throne.

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The Pokémon Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are based off of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan.

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In the movie 'Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers' actor Viggo Mortensen kicks a helmet and during one of the takes he accidentally broke two of his toes. He stayed in character and managed to turn his pain into a great performance.

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Movie trailers were originally shown after the movie, which is why they were called 'trailers'.

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Actor Zach Braff worked as a waiter before joining the show 'Scrubs'. In the movie 'Garden State' (which he also wrote and directed) he plays an aspiring actor working as a waiter.

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